Friday, September 12, 2008

Cautious Optimism

Those are my words to describe today's appointment. Dr. Patil said that this was an unusual case because I had no obvious signs of a primary source. Nothing other than my arm. He explained that sometimes a metastasized site is the only evidence of cancer. The primary site will sometimes just die or go away, leaving secondary sites. Next Wednesday, I'm scheduled for a PET scan at St. Vincent's and a CT upper torso scan and MRI brain scan at Providence Newberg on Thursday. Friday, September 19, I will meet with my radiology oncologist, Dr. Hansen, at St. Vincent's, which is just down the street from where I work in Tigard.

Basically, barring a surprise finding of a primary site, the plan is radiate my left arm, and blast all of me with chemo, effectively making me throw up gut bombs, lost my hair, and kill any remaining cancer cells that may be hiding inside me. And when I'm declared cancer-free, mom is going to buy me King Crab (eat your heart out, Whit!). Actually, today's news was so good that I'm getting crab tomorrow night at Outback.

Mom and Lori went with me to today's appointment, which I was very glad. For me, it was just another step in the process. For mom and Lori... Well, when the doctor was leaving the room and told us to wait in the waiting room for an appointment to be made with Dr. Hansen, I turned to go out the door behind the doctor. Lori and mom kept saying "close the door!" and I couldn't understand why, because the doctor told us to wait in the waiting room, and everyone knows what a rule follower I am. So, I had nearly closed the door and mom and Lori began jumping up and down, Lori nearly knocked me over (I almost had a concussion, which would have been embarrassing to explain to Dr. Patil) to hug me and tell me that I wasn't dying. Mom smiled for probably two hours straight and commented that she could eat now. She did. She had an extra piece of BBQ chicken with dinner and had a jello dessert later, and then had some little snacks at my house. Mom even danced a jig.

Lige's blessing earlier this month was very effective. I think my family is feeling more relieved an excited than I am right now, but I haven't even had time to bottom out in despair. This has all happened so fast, and today is just another day on the way to wellness. I still have some tummy tossing and hair lossing to do, along with trying to work and pet my cats.

I'll probably have more later, but my elbow is sore and I want to watch Airplane with mom.



Whitney R said...

I want crab! You know... you were the one who introduced me to it. It's all your fault. I also love squid- who knew! Jaren wouldn't tell me what it was until after I took a bite. That was on our first date.

I'm so very extremely glad to hear the news. I'm in tears and I read it out loud to Jaren and he is smiling. I am so glad grandma and aunt lori were with you. And that they disobey doctors orders. :)

Are you going to get a really long red haired wig?!

Anonymous said...

I saw knit hat with dread locks coming out from under it, we're thinking that would look really good at the office, and what are they going to say??? Colleen and always offer to to take it off and go commando. *EG* I cannot even begin to say how happy Mom and I were and are!

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

This is amazing and wonderful news, Colleenie. We are all very fortunate that you will be around to torture us for another 40 or so years.

Victoria Gilbert said...

Horray that is great news!!! You'll be having mad hatter parties every day after the chemo, so there's a positive!! You should go over to Mike's house and borrow some of Elka's wigs. I'm sure she won't mind.


Lindsey Gilbert said...

OH YAY!!! that makes me ssooo happy to hear!! if that just made sense but that is very good news!! i'm sad i missed the whole jumping up and down celebration and grandmas jig... i would have loved to see that and i would have joined in also!! i love you lots aunt colleenie and let the good times roll!! :) - Lindsey

Michael The Fair And Great said...

You know the actress, "The Cop Slapper", well Elka has her sister's signature wig, yes the sister that was on Green Acres! ....... Eva Gabor!!!!! You can wear that wig and Lori & Kathy will watch Nanette slap a cop or something! What fun we'll have.

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Colleen, if your hair comes back in red AND curly, I am going to be really mad!


mommy mad said...

on hearing the good new I did a interpertive dance of joy. My coworks were all happy to join my dance of joy. Leting them know Colleen will be just fine after she is done losing her hair and the contents of her tummy. Elka's wigs are pretty darn cute. Any one know where I can get a scull cap?

Mechelle said...

Hey Leenie, Leenie bo-beenie, banana fanna fo feenie, fee fi fo mo meenie - Leenie.....

I would love to see you in a bright, orange mohawk wig. No, wait a minute, I want to see ME in a bright, orange mohawk wig. You can wear a neon green one. :)

Wow, you get to have a lot of scans. I heard a rumor that when you think of jokes, your brain lights up like fireworks. Wouldn't that look cool on an MRI?!! Here are some jokes that you can think of while you're having your brain scanned....

What game does a hurricane like to play?


What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?


What did the turtle say when he saw the fish swim into the wall?

Dumb Bass (Be careful how you say this!) ; )

And now for a crab joke...

Why did the crab cross the road?

To get to the other tide.

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Colleen, here is a decade-specific joke from the days when you lived with me.


Whey did the punk-rocker cross the road?

He had a chicken stapled to his ear!

Anonymous said...

My naughty joke:
What invisible and smells like carrots?
Bunny Farts. *G*
That's it, that's all I got.

Nana said...

Yeah colleen! I was really excited when Mom called with the news, I think you should get a really cute bucket to take with you to work for just in case you can't make it to the bathroom, Lori can paint cute little creatures on it like she used to do on our jeans. :)

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Oh crap, I meant "to get to the other side."

I never could tell a joke!

Mechelle said...

Arrrrgh! Today is talk like a pirate day. It should be look like a pirate day too. I could be a wearin' me eye patch and me pirate hat and have me parrot perched on me shoulder. And me parrot's name might be Polly or it might be Paulie dependin' on if it was a she-parrot or a he-parrot.

And Polly/Paulie might be a sayin' "Polly/Paulie want a posting" right about now...

Cap'n Smelly