Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My house has been burgled!

I came home today, sad and weak because I was hungry, expecting to have to clean up my fantastic messes. And it was cleaned up! I saw parts of the floor that had previously moved on their own!

Lori had snuck over while I worked away and cleaned my living room and some other areas and vacuumed and did some washing (from my fridge misdeed the night before) and I could sit and rest my weary body in preparation for this afternoon's posterier show.

Oh yes, and I was finally referred to the oncology clinic, so I should be getting a call soon to get things started.

1 comment:

Whitney R said...

Aunt Lori is really like super woman in my eyes. She does it all! I hope I can be like that someday.

Or now because my house really really needs it.