Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have a pretty colon...

I had my colonoscopy today. After all that fasting, they took me in, hooked me up and I got to see the whole thing on the big screen. The hard part was fasting for two days before, the easy part was the actual procedure. If you ever get a colonoscopy, watch it! I had one because I was certain I had polyps and the possibility that this might be where my cancer was hiding. They did find a nickel sized polyp and a much smaller polyp, which were both removed. Because they were soft and pretty, my doctor thinks that they are probably benign. I will hopefully find out by Friday or early next week. However, the appearence of my nether region was absolutely breathtaking. Did you know that they pump air into your colon and then afterward, they tell you to "release it"? It's like getting a freebie in public! It was as good as burping after a great meal. The nurse told me that I was a good patient. :)

Anyway, I felt very positive after this procedure. Something is still lurking somewhere, but we'll find it soon. I was finally referred to an oncology clinic today and I should be getting a call from a doctor's office regarding getting me all set up. Next is that they will start radiation on my arm and get me some type of full-body scan where we can nail this thing down.

My boss, David Lowry, bought me a couple of cancer help type books and a great nutritional guide book. He's so thoughtful.

Sometimes I am sad, but mostly I feel like I'm riding a wave of happy, hopeful thoughts and energy that keep me from becoming mired in despondancy. Everything I've been hearing about beating cancer is that survival of this or other diseases is half medicine and half spirit. I see broken spirits in the faces of my law firm's clients who come in with any combination of informaties and they are just beat down from every angle. This year, we've lost about 10 clients (that we know of). So much of what finally gets them is all the negative energy, feedback, fighting to get any ounce of relief, loss of emotional support, that there is no spirit left to survive on.

I am a skipping rock and I'll keep going until I reach the other side. There is no alternative. I'm so thankful for my family and friends for making this journey easy. I'm not alone and that makes all the difference.


susan said...

A clean colon is a happy colon I always say!

And I thought they were all "freebies"!


Miss Lovely

Whitney R said...

You are never alone. I'm always thinking of you. And I know I'm not the only one.

That first paragraph was gold. Really. I am almost excited about turning 50 so I can let loose in front of someone other than Jaren. And I bet it was extra good because of all that extra air.

Nana said...

Colleen, it was so hard to try to leave you a comment! I had to make up my own blog, hahahaha,but I'm so glad you started one, to keep us all up to date on everything, and yours is great!! :)

Lena Gilbert said...

Thanks for the wonderful description of a colonoscopy. If you think that was fun, wait till you get the card Lena and I sent. It's better than a multitude of freebies in public.

Joan said...

I, too, have a pretty colon. They pumped me full of air and I have a lovely picture somewhere at home. Did you get one? We could compare them just for fun. If we got them mixed up, would you be able to tell which was which?
You are safe and loved.
Big hug.

Anonymous said...

Lori is getting Saucy! After watching my brave sister almost wasting away because of her two day liquid fast and having to drink "YUCK" I decided to make her some sugar free applesauce. So I went out apple picking at some vacant lots in town where I'd noticed apples starting to drop. Using my ingenious apple picking tool to get several bags. I then went to Colleen's to pick the last of her blackberries and crop the vines. As I was gathering up her dropped apples and picking a few off the trees I looked up and saw the Holy Grail of apple trees, with apples 6 inches across! It was straddling the fence between her side neighbor and her back neughbor. Not one apple hung over her fence line! Not to be put off by mere fences, I put on my happy face and went knocking on doors. Both were more than happy to let me take all I wanted. It just cost me a few minutes of visiting time, which is much better than the hour visit I had to do last week to gather pine cones for Mom. LOL Now for the saucing to start!

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Lori, you are the best sister ever!

Victoria Gilbert said...

Good to hear that your colon is now "squeaky" clean!!! :) You should give your polyps names. The big one could be be "Benignia", and the little one could be "Mini P".

I love you Colleenie :)

colleen said...

I love "Benignia", Vicki!