Sunday, October 19, 2008

I have a text book cervix... and other fun ditties

In the midst of all this cancer stuff, I had to go in for my annual obgyn exam. My PA, Christie, asked me if I would allow a student from George Fox University to sit in on this exam. So, I told her that if this gal wanted to see me in all my exposed glory, then she deserved what she got.

As Christie was getting a sample from my cervix, she called the student over.

"Have you ever seen a cervix?"
"No, I haven't."
"Colleen, can she take a look?"
"Sure she can."
"Ok, this is what the cervix looks like."
"Wow, its just like the text book."
"Yes, it is. It's a text book cervix."

And so, another chapter in my life is written. Much like my nephew, Kevin, I have a text book cervix.


Anonymous said...

Thanks heavens Kevin isn't the only one now!

Whitney R said...

Kevin has a cervix?

Does Lena know about this??

Victoria Gilbert said...

....wait a minute....?

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Yes. Keving has a cervix. We are a circus family.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Kevin can take his turn in having the kids? I'm sure that Lena would be down with that!

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Enough of this talk about your "fancy-smancy" cervix! How is your arm?

Anonymous said...

She won't want to type anything because it is killing her!!! owe owe owe, you'd think she has cancer or something!!! The Doc said that it should start feeling better in another week or two..... Who do we take the baseball bat to if it doesn't - that is what I want to know!!!

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

They didn't call us the "Fighting Nelsons" for nothin'!

(they didn't call us the Fighting Nelsons...we are all a bunch of wusses.)

Lena Gilbert said...

Kevin has a cervix? I wonder if he also has a uterus, theoretically then he could carry our babies. But I dont think he's tough enough to deal with pregnancy and labor. Plus he's too hairy to breastfeed.Would make a fun stories for the kids though.

Lena Gilbert said...

This is kevin. Psst...don't tell anyone. Isak was conceived asexually.

Mechelle said...

Ahhhh, these last two blogs are limerick-inspiring! Here are a few g-rated ones. : )

There once was a girl named Colleen,
who went for a normal pap screen.
The doctor took a look
and said it was like a book.
The most classic example she'd seen!

There once was a med-tech named Brent,
whose looks have been called heaven-sent.
He asked her to show it,
but wouldn't you know it?
She didn't understand what he meant!

Anyone else have any?

Misti said...

I'm so happy for your cervix! I went in for an exam once, and the doctor said my uterus felt wonderful. how nifty for us!