Friday, October 17, 2008

Tag, I'm it too!

Post the rules on your blog

*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Six Random Things About Myself
1. I like to tape peoples cell phones shut and then call them
2. I've owned two motorcycles
3. I've danced on the Vegas stage show of "Nudes on Ice"
4. I'm nude under my clothes
5. I used to play the trumpet for fun
6. I can imagine seeing my sister Lori flapping in a west coast storm like a wind sock because she chose to wear overalls

I tag Channi, Kathy, mommy, Lori, Barb, and Gloria and whoever else feels like doing this tag.


Anonymous said...

Crap... what am I supposed to do, is this anything like 2 truths and a lie?
1 I've spit off the Eiffle Tower
2 I've sang with the Tabernacle Choir
3 I often told my children to go jump off a cliff
4 I'm totally into drive by gardening
5 I can imagine my sister flapping in a west coast storm, but only if she forgets to put on her bra
6 I used to play piano, but it wasn't any fun
I'll tag Rox, Elijah, Katie, Nathan, Steph and Susan

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Ha! Lori, I'm already tagged, and I tagged you first! Ha!

Whitney R said...

I really enjoyed hearing these very very interesting facts.

Can I get the vegas dance show story?

I think that needs to be documented for all of history.