Monday, September 7, 2009

New tests

It's been a while since I last posted. In short, I've been getting it in the shorts, one shot at a time. It's time for me to have my one-year scans to see how Trogdor is fairing, or not fairing. On Wednesday, I'll get a CAT scan at Newberg Providence and on Thursday and Friday, a repeat of the Octreotide scan (remember Brent from last year?) This year, it will be at St. Vincent, so no Brent.

Trogdor was first spotted on last year's CAT scan. Last year's octreotide scan didn't light up like the Christmas tree they expected. I expect to see something similar this year (or not see). Based on these results, they may or may not schedule a subsequent PET scan. We'll see.

I have no ill-effects from my shots, so that is great. My arm continues to heal. Otherwise, I'm doing well. I'm actually very boring, which is a good thing. More later.

I just took my first road trip in over two years (longer than 60 minutes) and my arm wasn't killing me. That's a milestone! I had a great visit in Boise, and this was my first visit there in six years (first since I moved to Portland). I got to see relatives and friends and didn't get arrested, nor tattoo'd. I went to the BSU/UO slaughter last Thursday with my niece and nephew, Lena and Kevin. We had a great time. Lena and I were going to go with body paint on our upper torso's but didn't want to detract from television coverage of the fight, so we sacrificed.

During our visit this past weekend, we talked about a lot of important life things. Here's an example: Would you rather have a 32 degree F vagina or 150 degree F nipples? Hands down, everyone agreed that it was better to have a 32 degree F vagina. More later!


Whitney R said...

glad to finally have an update! I'll be awaiting the results of the scan. And if I had a 32 degree vagina we probably wouldn't be having this baby. We all know what happens when boy's are left out in the cold.

Elijah said...

Would you rather have a 32 degree F vagina or 150 degree F nipples?

think of it the other way around....

32 degree F nipples = 'nippen out' (cold day)
150 degree F vagina = not practicing safe sex (chlamydia)


Victoria Gilbert said...

Well, I have to say just giving birth and nursing a new baby, that right now I actually DO have 150 degree nipples, and I can say that it is not a cup of tea. And, given the circumstances, I think that a 32 degree vagina would also be great right now. Then I wouldn't feel anything! Where do I sign up????