This is Colleen's sister Lori posting for her while she lounges away in the hospital recouping from her surgery. I have worked so hard over the past few years to develop weird and unusual maladies to stump and befuddle people. Then once again my sister trumps me!
From the last post.... Colleen met with her oncology surgeon. He told her that he felt they should try to take out the primary tumor and by the way they could fix the hernia that she didn't even know she had.
Saturday, Lige, Colleen and I went out to dinner at the Outback where we had a great meal. (Her last until who knew how long) the last thing she ate was a beautiful, delicious banana at just before midnight Saturday. Sunday she spent the day cleansing her system in preparation for the resection. Mom came over to my house to eat on Sunday so as not to torment her by eating in front of her.
Today Mom and I took her over to St. Vincent Hospital at 10:30 am. She got all checked in and we waited until 1:00 when they were to take her in for slicing. At 1:00 they came in and said that it would be another hour, so Mom and I went and ate lunch. When we came back she wanted to know everything we'd eaten. 2:00 came and they said that it would be another hour, so we waited and I snuck out and took a nap. 3:00 came and we were told that there had been an emergency that had dirtied all of the surgery rooms so they were cleaning one and would come for her soon. Finally at 4:00 she was wheeled off for surgery. We went and ate dinner in the cafeteria with Lige. At 6:00 our pager buzzed that Dr. McDreamie was ready to talk to us, so we left our trays and scraps with Lige and ran off to meet the Doc.
He said..... He opened her up and found that the tumor was much more invasive then expected. He tried to do some slicing to remove some of it, but it started to bleed pretty badly, so they stitched and glued until it stopped. He decided that it would be too dangerous to take it out. "Well", we said "how about the hernia, were you able to fix it?" "Well, he said, "That is the weird thing." "When I went looking for it, I couldn't find it. There is no hole in her abdomen." (What did I say about her one upping me?) He did have a couple of ideas of what it was, but no to the hernia fixing. What he did do was take a biopsy of the primary tumor so that they could determine for sure that it is a carcinoid. He also took a piece of one of the blemishes on her liver for biopsy, then he closed her up. We finally got in to see her at 8:00.
She hurts pretty badly and was nervous about staying at the hospital by herself because after surgery she tends to stop breathing when she falls asleep. So I came on home and Mom is staying the night on the handy recliner that flattens out into a twin sized bed. She can guide the straw into Colleen's mouth when she needs a slip and slap her when she forgets to breath.
Mom suggested that since Colleen will be stuck with the tumor in her tummy for the rest of her life she'd better name it, so we are having a contest to name the Carcinoid. All are welcome to participate, she will judge the names and pick one when she comes home. The winner will get a special little something. *G* She will still be in the hospital for 4 - 9 days. The things that they will be watching for is to make sure that the tumor doesn't start bleeding again and that the incicion starts to heal properly without infection.
A nice thing that happened was that the night orderly-nurse came and asked if we were Mormon. When we said yes he asked if Colleen had had a blessing because he could do that for her. How sweet we said, Lige had given her one on Sunday, but she said that she wouldn't mind another one, so he'll take care of her. She wouldn't mind visits from locals in a couple of days. Right now she is sad and hurting.
The nice thing about them not doing the resection is that she won't have to do the "white" diet for a month. She'll probably be able to eat whatever she wants when she comes home. Spagetti with hamburger and mushrooms plus German chocolate cake from the diebetic bakery is at the top of the list.
Overheard in 2016!
6 years ago
You write this sad post so optimistically, Aunt Lori. It's so confusing.
I'm sad that she is sad and that she is hurting :( I'm glad that Grandma and you are there. I'm even more sad that she can't eat her food! But I am glad that she has that nurse there :) As for names....
I suggest:
or Lemuel
Farkler (the name of my sweet bamboo that I haven't killed yet)
baby (you know, so if she ever says, "my fetus is kicking.. it can mean hurting but she can confuse people and make them think she's expecting)
I'll be back with more, I'm sure. I am going to name that tumor!
Oh, or I could just keep typing the word verification wrong and write those down. There's bound to be a good sounding one somewhere.
weetr (Oooo, I like that one!)
Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital at this time of the year. But it sounds like it did cause you to have a good reason miss Black Friday--which wasn't much to miss this year.
As for a name, how about Rudolph. Now given the time of year, one can assume that would be Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. But it could also be Rudolph Valentino since it will be courting you for the rest of your life. Depending on how you were feeling ---you could choose which one.
My thoughts will be with you,
Kathleen Miller, RP
Name it Ted.
I say, call it Junior
Mr. Bean.
Mr. Ed.
Mr. Chips
Mr. Steven
Mr. Mr.
This is Kevin, Leave the choice for a name open for a while. This is an important decision in your life (not everyone gets to name a tumor, though I did name my first fetus Rage which lasted until Lena hauled off and changed it to Isak when he was born). I will do much deep pondering and give The One Name (unlike my sister who tries the shotgun approach to nameing. Whitney: "Hmmm, maybe if I say every name I'll win!"). The One Name will be the perfect name. It will sound so right that all other names will be forgotten. Never fear Colleen. The One Name is coming.
Another update, today Colleen's Dr Mc Dreamie told her that the tumor had not invaded her intestines, they were clear and clean, what it had done was to connect to so many blood vessels that feed the intestines that to remove it they would have to remove half of her innerds. That would not be a good thing.
Colleen is doing much better today, she was out of bed and taking walks up and down the hall. I got to do the pole dance with her IV and could barely keep up with her as she sprinted along with her walker.
She is still on a morphine drip so she tends to fall alseep mid sentence. We just try to throw pennies into her mouth when she does. Oh wait, that is what she told us not to do. ((Kill Joy))
She is planning a big party tomorrow night in the lounge with 4-5 close friends. Can anyone say girl's night???
I'm printing off and taking in comments for her to read. She loves them!
Colleen just called to tell me that she is seeing things, like two carpet rolls moving around under her bed. She asked the Mormon night guy to come in and see it, but he didn't see anything. She is frustrated that here there is an R rated show going on under her bed and she can't get down there to watch and enjoy!
I am a carcinoid survivor and just read your post on your sister's surgery experience. Please encourage her to see a carcinoid expert as soon as possible! You can find a list of the recommended specialists around the country at Read the "Newly Diagnosed" area too! It has great info. Please note that what seems inoperable to many surgeons many not be to the experts in this kind of cancer. The NETS group at Kenner, LA that is listed under Eugene Woltering is renowned for getting out tumors that others called "inoperable"! Your sis should not have to "live with" this tumor! Carcinoid is best treated with surgical excision when possible, so please schedule a consult as soon as you can. I wish I had consulted with them sooner than I did. It would have saved me and my family a lot of worry and grief. Many (most?) carcinoid patients go through a round of misinformation and misdiagnoses before they get the help they need, so heed the advice you will get from any carcinoid survivor...your best course of treatment and followup will be best found with a carcinoid expert! I am always sad to hear another person has to deal with this, but you all should know that with proper treatment, your sister should have many years of quality life ahead of her.
The site also lists the carcinoid support groups around the country. I would highly recommend checking into one near you. They are another great source of compassionate, empathetic, informed information and support. It helps to have contact with others that have walked this path before and know what you are dealing with.
Feel free to contact me at if I can be of further assistance.
Dianna Boomershine
Aunt Martha and Brent both hallucinated on morphine. They both saw little devil-elves with pitchforks trying to poke them. Colleen, I suggest you try to do better than carpet rolls!!
Hey Collienie, The Beenie, The Chillie Wennie, for your name contest hows about:
"Thing" or "Cousin It".
Let me know what Whitney wins.
I hope you start feeling better Colleenie, and get to go home and eat real food. I know how I'd be dreaming of real food too! And my name choice for your new pet is Bullwinkle. :)
I think you should name it Lars. Or Jarko (yarko). I say Jarko because then if my dear husband ever brings that name up for another boy child, should we have one, I can say, "Oh, no, that is Colleen's carcinoid's name. We wouldn't want that!" Yes, I know, entirely selfish reasons, but still a cool carcinoid name. Jarko the carcinoind.
If our family has a history of hallucinating while on morphine then hey hook me up!! i want to see what i come up with! ha ha Aunty Colleenie i am so happy to hear that you are doing better and real food is coming!! i love real food! as for a name.. oh man this is a toughy... How about Jamal? I named my stomach in like 6th or 7th grade Jamal with my friend Michelle.... not kidding! i'll share the name ha ha or you could name it... larhonda!! ha ha i will come up with more later. love you!!
I think Misti wins! (please Colleen, I don't want a grandson named Jarko).
Kevin is full of balogna
You need options! This is a big deal.
Here's some more.
(soak it up, Kevin)
(oh wait, I'm just saying that's what Kevin is b/c I have such awesome names)
little one
glenoid (can you tell I'm taking anatomy classes?)
I'll be back until you officially pick a name
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